When it is about website hosting, Dedicated is the advanc version of a basic Share Hosting plan. With time, your website will definitely grow, and where the shared hosting won’t be enough anymore to meet your resources. Also, you will need more resources that cannot serve by shared hosting. With Dedicated hosting, you can easily aim at your business which can help to make a move from shared hosting to Dedicated. In this article, we’ll also talk about why you should change your hosting plan and the best time to switch to USA Dedicated Server Hosting.
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About Dedicated Server Hosting
Dedicated is the best type of hosting that works similar to dedicated server hosting while being on a shared hosting server. USA Dedicated Server Hosting is the most popular choice of hosting and it is generally lower in cost than a dedicated hosting plan. This is known to provide better reliability, security & performance than share hosting. This provides users to get the best root access to the server and gives them the freedom to install any applications & software. They are also allowe to make changes as and when required.
Why Do You Want to Make a Change?
A good business plan always includes the best web hosting that helps us to move to the next level of hosting. However, for some people, this seems to be a tough call, but with some good research, you can actually get a good Dedicated provider. This will help you to increase your business capacity & improve its ROI.
Given are some common reasons on why people upgrade to Dedicated.
- Getting more traffic
The first and the most basic reason why businesses switch from shared hosting to Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting is after seeing a rise in traffic. A shared web hosting account is only capable of holding low to medium traffic spikes. With the small resources of shared hosting, you also have to share them with other users on the websites. This can lead to the slow down of your website. Dedicated hosting is known to provide better & faster performances for your websites/applications.
- Install any application/software
The share hosting plans are always limit and provide access to certain applications & services. There are various software and applications that need to installe for managing a website but if you have shared hosting you cannot do that because of the unavailability of the required modules.
- Root & SSH
If you’re serious for your website and planning to get a Dedicated, you are making the best decision as you are going to enjoy the Root access. Getting the root access provides you the full picture where you can provide information and can handle those complete information about the server. If required then you can only change certain configuration settings using the root account.
- Enjoy more resources
Shared hosting plans provides limited resources and you can get a certain number of email addresses & mailing options. This also goes for FTP accounts, databases & any other resource. But Dedicated hosting gives you far more bandwidth, disk space and also provides you scalability.
Get ready to move from Shared Hosting to a Dedicated Hosting
Before upgrading to Dedicated hosting, you must be aware of the new responsibilities you would acquire as with this you can prepare the basic administration required to best use a Dedicated. Also, this will ensure that your transition goes smoothly.
Working as an Administration
Shared hosting servers are configur with the ‘one size fits all approach where everything is automat on share hosting. In Dedicated hosting, you don’t get this by default. The major upside of having Dedicated Server Hosting is that you can configure your server which works best for your website. You can also set up any non-standard software and make configurations. This will also help to setup can be anything from a non-standard version of PHP to custom framework installations.
Remember, in Dedicated Server Hosting you are responsible for the accounts you are hosting on your server, and the best example of this is your IP address. If one of your clients is flagg with sending spam emails, they may also get your Dedicated IP blacklist and your website will count as the anti-spam website which will list the IP as a known spammer which can create a hassle. So, it is always better to prevent the problem before it happens and use strong protocols which will help you to keep a small inconvenience from becoming a real issue. Contact the best
cheap Dedicated hosting provider that provides a smooth migration to Dedicated hosting. This will also help you set up your server where you can make the server work according to you. If you are sure about which hosting to choose, go for Dedicated as it is affordable and provides the best services. Before choosing the host you must also ask about whether they provide 24/7 customer service.