Linux Shared Hosting

Linux Shared Hosting

The term Linux hosting refers to a web server that runs on Linux-based operating systems, but at least that’s where it ends. It’s impossible to capture all aspects of Linux hosting into one sentence, let alone two or three. When you select your provider for Linux Shared Hosting, don’t be shy about asking questions about what exactly they mean by ‘Linux hosting.’ Some providers host their servers on generic off-the-shelf server hardware running Windows or other non-Linux operating systems. Others use specialized hardware configurations designed specifically to support specific software stacks built exclusively for Linux. Still, others use both configurations depending on customer needs and budget demands.

Advantages of Linux Shared Hosting

Linux Shared Hosting is a stunning hosting solution. It can handle multiple tasks from different users at one time, and it shares resources among them. The Linux architecture makes sure that each user gets a fair share of memory, disk space, processor cycles, and other resources that he or she needs. Because there is no single point in a Linux-based system where all files are stored, if one user adds a file to their account, it won’t affect other users in any way. This approach helps keep server storage space under control since only one copy of every file is stored on your server.

  • Toll Free Numbers
  • Control Panel Installer
  • KVM Virtualisation
  • Full Root Access
Linux Web Hosting Plans [plan_sheet category=”Linux Web Hosting” col_name_1=”Data Center” col_name_2=” Plan/Cores/RAM/Space/Bandwidth/Hypervisor” col_name_3=”Operating System” col_name_4=”Monthly” col_name_5=”Action”]

Support Options Available With Onlive Server

Every business that operates online has some kind of hosting solution—the server on which their website is hosted. This is one piece of technology that can’t afford to go down, so you want to be sure your host offers reliable customer support. Does their toll-free phone number offer 24/7 support? Do they have email or live chat available? Do they have social media accounts on which you can reach them with questions or concerns? To find out, call your potential host and ask some tough questions.

Why Should You Need Linux Shared Hosting For Your Business?

Nowadays, more and more businesses are turning to Linux shared hosting service providers. This is because they offer many benefits that non-Linux solutions do not have. They can also help businesses maintain a good online presence while saving them money at the same time. Every people is an increasingly popular option for setting up their business websites, blogs, and eCommerce stores. It has gained significant popularity over other options like Windows and Apache due to its cost-effectiveness and improved security features. That is the reason to get Linux Shared Hosting for your business.

Why Choose Linux Shared Hosting

Linux hosting provides a range of features to meet your website needs. Onlive Server offers cheaper plans on regular basis, and some even give unlimited disk space as well as bandwidth. In addition, you can also host multiple websites using one plan. If you want to be online all day long then you should look at those companies that provide around-the-clock support via phone or live chat, rather than those that send tickets. Many free hosting providers will charge extra if you exceed a certain amount of storage or bandwidth. A good option is a company that only bills you after a threshold amount is exceeded – not before – so you have plenty of room for error.


We’re confident you’ll agree that our Linux reseller hosting is the best in the industry. If you’re looking for a host with friendly support, solid infrastructure, and advanced features like SSL certificates and full-page caching at an affordable price, look no further than Onlive Server. With Onlive Server, you can enjoy a wide range of services, including Linux shared hosting. These are the best choice for small and medium-sized businesses that need to keep costs low while still enjoying reliable performance.